

The signifier of Intuition


出品人:付小娟 朱倩



林子楠是“后设型”艺术家。他不依赖范式也不笃信经验, 敢想敢做、善作善成。这可能跟他生于潮汕有关。潮汕人精明且勤劳、传统而前卫,每一代潮汕人背后都流传着标新立异、乘风破浪的传说。 “从街头进入室内”的经历,恰巧揭示着林子楠身后的传奇。同时映照着他所代表的“艺术”在当今,同文明各个部分间的共时性。他以一种后现代的姿态,在当下、流变、创造中,书写着、修正着自身艺术的创造性。 本次展览是林子楠在国内的首次大型个展,作为对林子楠现阶段艺术生涯的回顾和梳理,我们带来了近30件不同风格材质的作品组合。透过林子楠纤细敏锐的创作,观众不只可以窥见他作为艺术创作者的自觉、彷徨、反思。更可以深入到由林子楠作品书写的独特艺术谱系中,去回顾彼时的社会风貌,同时畅想和迎接任何可能的未来。

Zinan Lam is an artist characterized as a “post-establishment type”. He does not adhere to paradigms or experience. He dares to think and act, and excel in his work. Perhaps, this is influenced by his Teochew(Chaoshan) upbringing. Teochew people are smart and hardworking, traditional but avant-garde. There is a legend of innovation and great heights behind every generation of Teochew people. The experience of “from street art to the interior space” reveals the legend of Zinan Lam. At the same time, it reflects the co-temporality of the “art” that he represents today, with all parts of civilization. Embracing a post-modern attitude, he writes and corrects his artistic creativity in the present moment and through the creation. Importantly, this exhibition is Zinan Lam’s first large-scale solo exhibition in China, which offers a review of his current career. Specifically, there are roughly 30 pieces of works in different styles and materials in the exhibition. By viewing Zinan Lam’s delicate and sensitive creations, viewers can get a glimpse of his self-awareness, uncertainty and reflection as an art creator. What’s more, viewers will also have the opportunity to delve into the unique artistic genealogy written by Zinan Lam’s works, recalling the past, while imagining and embracing any possible future.