Bô - Le Jardin Imaginaire
Chen Xuefeng 2024 Sino-French Exhibition Tour

2024年7月-9月,中国深圳OCAT B10美术馆



FISHER ART团队倾心筹备2年后重磅推出法籍华裔当代艺术家陈雪峰2024中法巡展,在本次展览中,将首次全面呈现艺术家最重要的项目“理想花园”(Bô – Le Jardin Imaginaire),一个由21件象征性雕塑组成的没有围墙或边界的花园博物馆。 FA很荣幸邀请到法国著名艺术史学家、策展人Jean-Huber Martin先生参与策展,他在1987-1990年期间担任了法国蓬皮杜艺术中心的馆长。 展览将在法国里昂 Nouvel Institut Franco-Chinois 和 Françoise Besson 画廊巡回呈现,并进入到里昂双年展共鸣展单元。


July — September 2024, OCAT B10 Art Museum in Shenzhen, China. October — December 2024, Galerie Françoise Besson Lyon, France


FISHER ART has dedicated two years to preparing and is thrilled to present the 2024 Sino-French Exhibition featuring the renowned French-Chinese contemporary artist Xuefeng Chen. In this exhibition, the artist’s most significant project, Bô – Le Jardin Imaginaire, will be comprehensively showcased for the first time. FA is honored to have invited the distinguished French art historian and curator, Mr. Jean-Huber Martin, to contribute to the curation of the exhibition. He served as the director of the Pompidou Center in France from 1987 to 1990. The exhibition will tour at the Nouvel Institut Franco-Chinois and Galerie Françoise Besson in Lyon, France, and will be part of the resonant exhibition unit at the Lyon Biennale.