Xuefeng Chen × Friendship Bay 阿那亚友谊湾

在阿那亚友谊湾一善书店的门口处,来自FISHER ART的法籍华裔艺术家陈雪枫的雕塑作品「蓝鲸」已经成为孩子们的最爱。

艺术家说 “这条蓝鲸像我的守护图腾一样,她四条粗壮的腿趴在地上,就像一匹巨大的野马,张开两只翅膀,就像一只巨大的鸟,一副蓄势待发的样子,她是幸福和自由的象征。”


The sculpture ” BALEINE BLEU” by French-Chinese artist Xuefeng Chen from FISHER ART has become a children’s favorite at the entrance to the Yishan Books in Friendship Bay, Aranya.

“This blue whale is like my guardian totem, with her stout legs lying on the ground, she looks like a huge wild horse, and with her two wings spread out, she looks like a huge bird, with a look of readiness, she is a symbol of happiness and freedom.” The artist explains it this way.